Trouvez votre prochaine offre d’emploi ou de mission freelance Infrastructure à Boulogne-Billancourt

Votre recherche renvoie 5 résultats.


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Mission freelance
Chef de Projet Infrastructure

Only Solution
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Gestion de projet

3 ans
550-600 €
Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France

Cadrage technique et chiffrage des travaux de l’équipe et des contributions production Organisation et planification des travaux Pilotage et suivi des contributions techniques des projets Garantir la production des livrables dans le respect des coût/delai/qualité Coordination technique Suivi budgétaire des projets de contribution et reporting Animation des instances de pilotage Prise en charge des sujets d’améliorations (gestion de problèmes, cellule de crise, revue d’architecture, revue d’exploitation)


Offre d'emploi
Cloud & Infrastructure Administrator H/F

Publiée le

40k-50k €
Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France

Provide expert IT Services for ALTEN' own IT infrastructure and for clients' IT infrastructures. Support complex IT systems including Datacentre, IaaS and PaaS in Azure, AWS and GCP. Define Golden Rules (minimum quality standards) for IT Infrastructure and services. Monitor and control compliance of IT Infrastructure and services. IT Infrastructure and services fault identification and correction. IT Infrastructure and services optimization and monitoring. Maintenance of all IT Infrastructure resources and services. Ensure service delivery is compliant with ALTEN CORP DSI processes and SLA's. Keep ALTEN Services related procedures and documentation up to date. Initiate and participate in ALTEN CORP DSI CIS improvement developments and projects. Work closely with Business Managers, Service Delivery Managers, Support teams and other teams in projects or support activities in an international environment. Maintain a good relationship with Business Managers and customers. Attend meetings and conference calls with customers, CORP, and local IT teams. Build/maintain IT systems knowledge/skills level as well as keep up with new technologies, products, and features.


Offre d'emploi
Cloud & Infrastructure Administrator H/F

Publiée le

40k-50k €
Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France

ALTEN is looking for a Junior IT Cloud DevOps Engineer for a position in the Group IS&T Dept. under the cloud and Infrastructure team located in Jean Jaures office to deliver excellent IT services. He/she will be part of a global scope whose responsibility it to provide Cloud Infrastructures Services (CIS) internally and to our clients. He/she will act as the Cloud DevOPS Engineer in the Cloud and Infrastructure Services team. He/she fulfils a key part in ensuring the ALTEN GROUP DSI Services activities run as smooth and effective as possible. He/she will be responsible for defining, maintaining, and improving IT services concerning the cloud engineering and operations scope and the associated ecosystem in compliance with the company IT service agreements and policies. As a Junior IT Cloud DevOps Engineer at ALTEN you are responsible for managing all IT-related matters, within a global scope, ranging from transformation and adoption of new technologies to delivery of internal customers. You provide and maintain useful, usable IT services. You ensure IT services quality and performance, along with customer satisfaction. The Junior IT Cloud DevOps Engineer represents the IT services provided by the IT department and contributes to its promotion. He/she follows the company's processes and procedures and maintain good relationships with key stakeholders, colleagues, and partners.


Offre d'emploi
Senior Cloud & Infrastructure Administrator H/F

Publiée le

80k-90k €
Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France

Provide expert IT Services for ALTEN' own IT infrastructure and for clients' IT infrastructures. Support complex IT systems including Datacentre, IaaS and PaaS in Azure, AWS and GCP. Define Golden Rules (minimum quality standards) for IT Infrastructure and services. Monitor and control compliance of IT Infrastructure and services. IT Infrastructure and services fault identification and correction. IT Infrastructure and services optimization and monitoring. Maintenance of all IT Infrastructure resources and services. Ensure service delivery is compliant with ALTEN CORP DSI processes and SLA's. Keep ALTEN Services related procedures and documentation up to date. Initiate and participate in ALTEN CORP DSI CIS improvement developments and projects. Share knowledge and guide junior and mid-level Engineers. Work closely with Business Managers, Service Delivery Managers, Support teams and other teams in projects or support activities in an international environment. Maintain a good relationship with Business Managers and customers. Attend meetings and conference calls with customers, CORP, and local IT teams. Build/maintain IT systems knowledge/skills level as well as keep up with new technologies, products, and features


Offre d'emploi
Chef de projet technique Infrastructure Microsoft H/F

Publiée le
Active Directory
Microsoft Exchange Server

55k-65k €
Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France

Entreprise de services du numérique, METSYS, se positionne sur le marché comme un intégrateur de solutions d’infrastructure à forte valeur ajoutée. Partenaire des plus grands éditeurs et constructeurs, METSYS conseille ses clients tout au long de leurs projets, de la phase de conception à la phase de réalisation ou même de support. Nous intervenons sur des projets d’envergure pour des clients grands comptes sur les secteurs d’activités Banque/Finance/Assurance, Industrie et Services. Dans le cadre de notre développement, nous recherchons un(e) Chef de projet Infrastructure Microsoft , vous pourrez être en charge de (liste non exhaustive) : - Aider les utilisateurs à exprimer et formaliser leurs besoins, - Elaborer des dossiers de spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques, - Respecter les délais et les coûts engagés, - Être le garant de la qualité des livrables, - Animer des comités projet de façon transverse, la coordination de différentes parties prenantes et la préparation de comité de pilotage. - Assurer un reporting régulier auprès de sa direction et/ou de ses clients internes

5 résultats


Freelance CDI CDD Alternance Stage




Télétravail partiel Télétravail 100% Présentiel

Taux Journalier Moyen min.

150 € 1300 € et +

Salaire brut annuel min.

20k € 250k €


0 mois 48 mois


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Ses contenus et son jobboard IT sont mis à disposition 100% gratuitement pour les indépendants et les salariés du secteur.

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