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Registered since : 9 September 2008

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Posted reply 22 May 2018 13:11

Chasing clients for money is the biggest pain !!!! If only everyone paid on time life would be sweet. 🙂
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Posted reply 16 November 2016 10:57

Have you tried to Google ?
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Views: 2292

Posted reply 16 November 2016 10:56

I use Hiscox - always a good service and strong brand
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Forum : Time Out
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Posted reply 17 December 2014 15:01

Anyone watching? I am on episode 4 or 5 on season 4 and abit disturbed about whats happening with Carrie and her recruitment techniques!
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Views: 19481

Posted reply 21 November 2014 14:22

Ha Ha.
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Posted reply 19 November 2014 09:45

Odesk and elance are pretty brutal especially in terms of cost. You need to work very cheaply to build your reputation on there. Otherwise no one will hire you if you dont have any reputation/positive feed back from clients.
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Posted reply 19 November 2014 09:44

Are you a UK resident? If you are resident and you are being paid based on work done in the UK does it matter where the payments come from? I do think its best though to speak to an accountant.
Forum : Time Out
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Posted reply 19 November 2014 09:41

Homeland 4 better than I thought...what do you think?
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Posted reply 6 November 2014 15:32

Anyone can stop a Direct Debit with their bank. Try getting a big company sign up to Direct Debit ??
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Posted reply 6 November 2014 14:53

Cheers - that is useful.
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Views: 3815

Posted reply 6 November 2014 14:51

Hi there. No one is going to pass on all their marketing secrets - it is trial and error what works in your market sector for online advertising . And having partnerships with UK traders. Also not sure why this website would be of use regarding metal products but you never know 😃
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Views: 1745

Posted reply 16 September 2014 09:16

Looking to move my bank account.

I see a deal on here for Cater Allen with free banking

Any reviews or recommendations???

Forum : Time Out
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Views: 19481

Posted reply 16 September 2014 09:13

24 Season 1 done and swesome. Mid way through Season 2 and still great. Maybe a few bits slightly unrealistic ! but lets forget them and enjoy the suspense. Looking forward to Homeland Season4 but am sure lost its originality without Brodie.
Forum : Time Out
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Posted reply 28 August 2014 12:41

Just started 24 Season 1 - although a bit old pretty good so far.
Forum : General Forum
Topic : Contract
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Views: 2315

Posted reply 28 August 2014 12:40

How can something be binding if not signed? Is that true?
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Views: 1986

Posted reply 24 July 2014 07:46

It depends on your contract. Did you have a contract in place?
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Posted reply 17 June 2014 07:49

Depends how formal this is or is it a one-off / long term? If it is a one off then I would just do a DIY one sheet outling the key parameters - who does what, client interaction, timescales, managing payments etc. If its longer term you many need something more formal. Ho well do you know this other person ?
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Topic : Hello
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Views: 885

Posted reply 12 June 2014 13:22

🙂 works for me
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Posted reply 28 May 2014 12:32

Hello Nitim, :)
I have had a couple of issues in the past. To be honest there is late payment legislation for overdue invoices but I dont know anyone who has used this as it will often disrupt any future client relationship. Dont rely on emails that can easily be deleted - always phone up to chase. If you feel you are not getting anywhere use a debt collection service or go through the small claims court - which I have done before.
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Views: 2155

Posted reply 9 September 2008 08:02

"Free Prize Inside"

Seth Godin

Definitely recommend.
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Views: 1274

Posted reply 9 September 2008 08:00


Hello Glenn 😃

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