
Tax policy on freelancing from UK for a company in NYC



Messages count : 1
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Registration : 17 November 2014
Contact in PM
Hi there,

I came to Freelance:uk because i thought there may be freelances / experts that can answer to my question. I searched in the forum already, but i've found many discordant informations.

I'm self employed in UK (i live and work in London), and during my last financial year i've been working mostly for a company based in New York City. Now that i'm getting closer to do my tax return i'm wondering how i should deal with all the incomes coming from US.

- I know that on my tax return form there's a section where i can declare my worldwide incomes, but i don't know how the taxes are calculated on those incomes.

- I'm not sure if i have to declare something to the US revenue office, or - since i live and work in UK - everything should be managed with the HM revenue.

Also, any other information / suggestion is always welcome. Since for that year my incomes shouldn't be over £12.000 i'd like to avoid hiring an accountant / tax expert whenever possible.


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