
Late Payment Solution



Messages count : 3
Likes count : 0
Registration : 7 October 2014
Contact in PM
Hey guys, I'm a newbie here and just wanted to get your thoughts & feedback on something we have been working on...

We are looking to help freelancers get paid on time and give you more visibility on when you get paid for the work you do.

We know late payments are a huge issue generally, but small companies and freelancers tend to take the biggest hit. We want to help solve this problem by allowing you to agree payment terms with your client before starting work, and then have the payments come out via Direct Debit on the dates agreed.

Can you take a look at our website and let us know what you think?

We are interested to know if DueCourse would be useful to you and your business, or if you could give us any feedback to help improve our system so it could work for you or your company in the future.

Thanks guys! All feedback (good, and bad!) will be much appreciated! :)


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