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Nombre de posts : 4

Inscrit depuis le : 24 août 2006

Réponses  : 2
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Vues : 35

Réponse postée 19 septembre 2006 12:50


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Réponse postée 15 septembre 2006 12:01

CA = ?

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Réponse postée 15 septembre 2006 12:00

Je n'ai pas compris tout!

CGA = ?
AGA = ?
EC = ?
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Réponse postée 24 août 2006 16:24


If you're in a hurry, I would suggest going via an established agency. Yes, they'll take a large cut, but I think it's the quickest and least risky route. The French government is, in any case, going to take a very large cut from you.

You have to decide very carefully how to set up a company in France, and I think it's very difficult to work out who you need to pay what. Then, if you don't get it right you line yourself up for being fined.

Otherwise, I'd visit your local chamber of commerce and try and speak to someone. They may even be able to refer you to someone local who has recently gone through the same thing.

Although these forums are very good, it can take a long time to work through a whole problem - the answers are often full of acronyms and technical terms like BIC and RAM which I, for one, don't know what mean, and it can be a hell of a job trying to find out.

Good luck, and let us all know how you get on so we can add to the body of knowledge!

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