Would it be possible to ask other members for feed back when it comes to designs and ideas?
Hello everyone
I am currently working for a small optical company and I am working alone and need someone or other people to sort of bounce ideas off and gain advice from, I don't have anyone to collaborate with when it comes to my work and I wondered if this would be possible through this forum?
I am currently working for a small optical company and I am working alone and need someone or other people to sort of bounce ideas off and gain advice from, I don't have anyone to collaborate with when it comes to my work and I wondered if this would be possible through this forum?
- Contact in PM
Messages count : 3Likes count : 0Registration : 4 January 2008Hi Becky - late reply but sure, I've been there and know what it's like! - Contact in PM
john matthew
Messages count : 7Likes count : 6Registration : 18 April 2018I thought we all are here to share and gain knowledge. So please share your ideas and we would also glad to share an opinion with you.FreelanceWebDeveloper