There must be hope
Kieran Gibbons
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Registration :
7 March 2015
I am getting downright depressed with trafficing through all of these crowdsourcing sites and competition sites such as these. I can't achieve anything. My designs are top quality and better than some top earners on these sites. But I haven't earned a single penny on any of them. I finally make it to oDesk. then I get my first client! I get so excited and happy! I've done all the work for the client, sent it off and they have ran off. they haven't paid me. So after all this searching for a client for months on end, I finally find one and they just dissapear. There must be an easier way. I have been trying for 6 months now.
- Contact in PM
Messages count : 12Likes count : 3Registration : 4 March 2015Hey there! Don't get discouraged, If you're sure about your skills and knowledge you certainly shouldn't give up that easily. I was in the same situation. I started on Elance and there was that one client who wanted some spec work in advance, just to be sure that I can deliver the work properly. It ended up with me finishing the work and him never paying for it. As it turned out, he hired a whole bunch of people and gave them different tasks, and none of us ever got paid. That's just something that will happen from time to time. It's on you to recognize the clients that are also scammers. Check their profile, see how much they payed, check their client feedback rating and never EVER do any work in advance.There is no failure, only delayed success. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 1Likes count : 0Registration : 17 May 2016Heyo! It usually takes longer until you find that first right client and get your first good review but after that, things will definitely improve. Just keep doing your best and never stop learning and improving your skills.
As for the shady client problem, that's why you should ask for advance payment. It helps you see who is willing to pay for your services and who will most likely cause trouble. Also, when required samples, never send anything that could actually be more useful to the potential client than getting a brief "taste" of how you work. If they try to convince you to do otherwise, you should avoid them. The only thing you're going to lose is the few moments it takes you to refuse them. 🙂 - Contact in PM
Messages count : 87Likes count : 3Registration : 4 February 2008I wouldn't touch those sites with a bargepole, personally. Easy way to be taken for a mug. Get out there and network. Find lots of ways of finding clients - don't just rely on one source of work.Opus Creative Design Ltd - Contact in PM
Bhavin Patel
Messages count : 1Likes count : 0Registration : 25 June 2016Hey Kieran,
I am also a Freelancer from long time and I had a very roller coaster ride type of journey till now. I would like to say only one thing "Always Focus on your AIM". What you want to achieve? Focus on that Goal dear! and keep trying. Never underestimate yourself, Never loose confidence in you! Keep the Fighting Spirit ON.
Online Business is always been unpredictable so you can not demoralize yourself just cause some one cheated you. There are lots of work out there and there are many genuine clients looking for quality freelancers. Trust your Work!
Facebook, Twitter, Email, Connections, LinkedIN.
Use these sites and build up your circle! Post your work, Mail new clients with you latest Portfolio, Talk to industry people.
Good Luck my friend. All the very Best. - Contact in PM
Mark Lyons
Messages count : 21Likes count : 4Registration : 7 January 2016Don't be disappointed. I also got some projects from Upwork but I did not face this type of experience. To become a successful freelancer you need lots of patience. You should try once for the client. Remember one thing Always sign agreement with the client before start working. You can use for it where you can sign contract easily with the client. In which all terms and conditions are written clearly. I am sure you never face this kind of problem again. You should know fully about the client. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 2Likes count : 0Registration : 25 July 2016
Really, I started on PPH and this happened to me. Our of curiosity where was your client from, or even where did he say he was from?SandraGenJobs, post: 24067, member: 28805 a écrit : Hey there! Don't get discouraged, If you're sure about your skills and knowledge you certainly shouldn't give up that easily. I was in the same situation. I started on Elance and there was that one client who wanted some spec work in advance, just to be sure that I can deliver the work properly. It ended up with me finishing the work and him never paying for it. As it turned out, he hired a whole bunch of people and gave them different tasks, and none of us ever got paid. That's just something that will happen from time to time. It's on you to recognize the clients that are also scammers. Check their profile, see how much they payed, check their client feedback rating and never EVER do any work in advance. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 2Likes count : 0Registration : 25 July 2016
Hey I think we all have been there to some extent, but trust me if you put in the time and effort and do not give up, you will be rewarded well. You simply have to have patience as others have said. But also you must never send final artwork without at least having a % of the budget already paid. Or if you do send the final artwork, have a watermark on it so they can never use it anyway. Hang in there and try not to get too down about this as it will pass with patience 🙂Kieran Gibbons, post: 24061, member: 28810 a écrit : I am getting downright depressed with trafficing through all of these crowdsourcing sites and competition sites such as these. I can't achieve anything. My designs are top quality and better than some top earners on these sites. But I haven't earned a single penny on any of them. I finally make it to oDesk. then I get my first client! I get so excited and happy! I've done all the work for the client, sent it off and they have ran off. they haven't paid me. So after all this searching for a client for months on end, I finally find one and they just dissapear. There must be an easier way. I have been trying for 6 months now.