Newbie, Help on starting
Benjamin Jones
Messages count : 1
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Registration :
26 March 2016
Hello all
After finally making the decision to start out freelancing I am more than excited and really want to make this work. I am abit clueless about where to begin.
I have started by creating a portfolio site using wordpress but its not really that full at the minute as I haven't had a client yet.
The thing I am struggling with is actually finding those clients that are willing to invest in me even though I am a beginner.
would love to know what you guys did when you started out to be as successful as you are today. Any tips appreciated
After finally making the decision to start out freelancing I am more than excited and really want to make this work. I am abit clueless about where to begin.
I have started by creating a portfolio site using wordpress but its not really that full at the minute as I haven't had a client yet.
The thing I am struggling with is actually finding those clients that are willing to invest in me even though I am a beginner.
would love to know what you guys did when you started out to be as successful as you are today. Any tips appreciated
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Layla Nesbitt
Messages count : 1Likes count : 0Registration : 11 February 2016Hello Benjamin, have you tried setting up any portfolios on resources like Behance? You might as well find some clientele in there. Did you build your WordPress portfolio all by yourself? Did you use any ready-made theme for this? - Contact in PM
Mark Lyons
Messages count : 21Likes count : 4Registration : 7 January 2016It sounds really good you started as a freelancer. You did a good job by build your portfolio. Make it strong and your online presence is also important. Social media is the biggest and useful tool for freelancers. You can engage with people in same field. You are a beginner so your self confidence and patience is needed. Always stay secure with digital signature. It will help you to avoid scams. Try on online sites such as Upwork, Fiverr and many more. I am sure you will get your first project very soon. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 6Likes count : 3Registration : 16 August 2016Sometimes getting experience means investing time and energy in for free at the beginning. One thing I can suggest is to ask friends or family members if they need your services and then you can add the work that you do for them to your portfolio and develop a small list of work experience. Often business starts off with small circles and word of mouth. I would also suggest freelancing sites as well, but at the beginning don't go with one that you have to pay for. Use free platforms (just do a quick google search and you will find some). Starting out is always a bit difficult. It takes a lot of hours of investment and a dedicated and patient attitude. Nothing happens over night. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 13Likes count : 4Registration : 3 September 2016Hi,
Great ideas like [USER=29729]@FrenchPress[/USER] mentioned why not offer your services for your friends and family first and then add it to your profile. Another way to get work and also reviews is to go on websites like +
I know that you might not make much money (but you could) will get your name out there including some review of your work and you can start from there.
But keep working on your wordpress site. Make sure that you add your best work, contact details and also reviews.