
Very basic question



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Registration : 25 April 2009
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This is a very basic question but I would like to begin as a freelancer and I would like to make sure I understood correctly how it works.

The rates you require are VAT excluded. The customer have to pay us + VAT and we have to give it back to the state minus the VAT we paid on our expenses. Am I correct?

Many jobs are advertised by agencies. In my case (IT), I find that most of the contracts I come across are advertised by agencies and for work that is suppossed to take place at the premises of the company that hires you. I would have preferred to work from home and interact directly with the customer however I don't see any way to do so, at least for a start. I have tried networking but it did not help much.

When you work with an agency, the customer pays the agency which pays us after it took a commission (usually 20 %). After that, you can pay your own company (I preferred to set up a company rather than be self-employed) with the remainder. The other drawback of working through an agency is that they can prevent you to work directly in the future with the same customer. Is all this correct?

Thank you very much for your help.


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