Times is hard, so... anyone here taking a dip on their rate, or doing something else to boost their income? Work for me has all but dried up and now I'm looking for anything I can find and am literally having to whore myself out for a fraction of my usual rate!!!
I have regular clients who, when times are as they have been up until now, give me as much work as I can handle. However, with budgets being dramatically slashed (I do design and artwork for the retail sector), that work is no longer free-flowing and I need to do other stuff to make up the shortfall.
What are others on here doing to make ends meet?
I have regular clients who, when times are as they have been up until now, give me as much work as I can handle. However, with budgets being dramatically slashed (I do design and artwork for the retail sector), that work is no longer free-flowing and I need to do other stuff to make up the shortfall.
What are others on here doing to make ends meet?
- Contact in PM
Messages count : 2Likes count : 0Registration : 14 October 2008its tricky lowering your rates because when things pickup people will still expect you to work for that rate unfortunately...Dot Design - Contact in PM
Messages count : 207Likes count : 6Registration : 2 November 2006 - Contact in PM
Bill D
Messages count : 1Likes count : 0Registration : 31 July 2009Agreed.. dropping prices only leads into a downward spiral... - Contact in PM
Messages count : 2Likes count : 0Registration : 9 August 2009I'm in agreement with that but I can see that it's a difficult time for everyone and keeping the money coming in is important to survive - I guess if you are working 'freelance' for a studio by the hour they will only pay what they can afford but remember that their rate probably hasn't dropped! On the other hand if you are working on a project and you submit a cost for that then the hourly rate does not get seen - sometimes you win this way and sometimes you lose.