
Taking on last minute work



Messages count : 1
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Registration : 25 February 2017
Contact in PM
Hi everyone, this is a very quick question to all you fellow freelancers.

I'm working as a self employed audio transcriptionist and have one particular client who repeatedly sends work to me without warning. I think the client has officially booked a job in with me on 2 occasions but more often than not I receive an email with a load of audio files attached and the question, 'can you do this today?' Obviously I don't want to turn work away and so after reshuffling work around I then feel obliged to say yes to the job in question.

I have explained to her on several occasions now that any work needs to be booked in with me so that I can allocate the time to complete the transcription. There have been a couple of instances where work has been booked in and then failed to materialise. I've also explained to her that I have other clients who book work in with me and any gaps in my work calendar during the week are filled with work I claim from a freelancing site and a couple of transcription companies. She always says she'll try to book things in but more often than not she doesn't. This morning was a prime example, I've just received 8 audio files by email with no warning at all and I already have a busy workload for the next 2 days.

My question is, has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you deal with it?
I have considered emailing her every Monday morning to let her know my availability for the week, but don't think this would make any real difference as she would still 'just send recordings' and assume I am able to do them.

Any suggestions welcomed!

Thanks in advance 🙂

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