
Stop freelancing and going full-time, need advice please!



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Registration : 16 May 2014
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  1. I've been freelancing for over a year now (online marketing and copywriting), at the beginning I was unemployed and an opportunity came out to work as a freelance, which was good because it meant flexibility and time to spend with my 2 year old daughter (she's 3 days at the nursery and 2 days at home with me).

    Since I've started I won another client but have been struggling financially since the first client started to give half the work I used to have last year.

    Due to the financial issues, me and my husband decided for me to search for a full-time job (my husband has a full-time job at the moment). I went to a job interview this week and they offered me the job. Now I have mixed feelings and I'm just not sure what to do. At the beginning of this week I also win a new freelance client, that is a marketing agency. I'm working in their agency marketing as a try out but have the possibility to work for their clients in the future if they like my work.

    So it seems I have all this happening at the same time which doesn't help me decide. I'm happy because it is a good full-time opportunity and the salary is good. We would both have stability and stop the financial issues. But that also means giving up all 3 clients I have at the moment and the opportunity and flexibility to be with my daughter (she would have to start 5 days at the nursery). I love the freedom of working as a freelance but don't really like the instability of it.

    When I started freelancing it was supposed to be something temporary until I find a full-time job, but I ended working as a freelance for so long I kinda start relating and enjoying it.Going to a full-time job again also scares me a lot, with having to be there 9-5 and will all the office politics and stuff like that.

    I've also thought about not giving up my 3 freelance clients on the first month starting on this job so I can give it a try, but I'm not sure I can work full-time in a company whilst continuing to freelance?

    Well, thank you very much for reading, as you can see I'm really confused but I guess I'm not the first freelancer to be in this kind of dilemma. Anyone can give me some good advice?

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