
Software for designing and building a cookbook



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Registration : 6 March 2023
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Hello everyone,

I’ve recently gotten interest in graphic design, but I’m still very much so a newbie trying to figure things out.
I have been lurking briefly in this forum. I hate to be the guy that breaks the silence because he needs something, and I’m not sure this is the right place to post this, but here I go.

I’m trying to write a cookbook, and while I have the recipes figured out and a pretty clear idea in my mind with what I want to do, I’m not sure where to go next to find a good software to use and to put things ‘on paper’.
I thought this would be a good place to ask you guys and girls if you have any recommendations of software to use to design and build a recipe ebook.
I have been trying to mess around with free software, but didn’t have luck finding one that fits my needs, and before paying for one, I wanted to see if I could get some opinions from people that have more experience than me and might be able to point me in a direction.


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