
Looking at becoming a freelance web designer



Messages count : 3
Likes count : 0
Registration : 1 March 2008
Contact in PM
Hiya Guys,

Im looking for a change of work.. Im currently a web designer for a major international company and have been there for a year since leaving uni...

But now i really want to open up my creativity and start doing more sites from concept to final build and im really keen on doing this alone as a freelancer..

My concerns are though- how do I get work and whats the best way for me to get started.. im rebranding my portfolio site as a freelancer but whats the next step.. how do i start getting the jobs in? also I have no idea as to what to charge and I never really get an answer =( .. so any advice would be great.. currently im earning 33k a yr - should i xpect to increase my earnings?


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