Little Advice Needed about Freelance costs
Im in the process of doing some freelance work for a friends company.
This is the first time i have done free lance work, and im not sure how much to charge, for an hourly rate etc,
Can anyone give me any advice on this, or maybe a rough guidline as to how to work it out?
Thank you in advance 🙂
Im in the process of doing some freelance work for a friends company.
This is the first time i have done free lance work, and im not sure how much to charge, for an hourly rate etc,
Can anyone give me any advice on this, or maybe a rough guidline as to how to work it out?
Thank you in advance 🙂
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Messages count : 4Likes count : 0Registration : 3 September 2009Hi,
I believe that if you are new to freelancing you should charge around £10- £20 per hour. However it may be better not to tell your friend that your charging by the hour and just work out in your head how long you think it will take then charge a flat rate.