



Messages count : 3
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Registration : 8 February 2008
Contact in PM
Hi all

I am currently working on a web project, the client has asked if i could host the site for them. They have already bought two domain names, is it possible to link both domain's to one site, as one is for international cliental, and the other is based in the UK.

As far as hosting, i know this may seem a little naive but when a client is asking for hosting, does this mean, maintenance of the site over a set period i.e updating imagery and information, as well as sorting out a monthly plan...??
If so how much should we consider charging for this service per year...?
Any recommends on plans...?

My partner and I are at presenting visuals stage and plan to expand on our knowledge of flash and dreamweaver, taught at university (very recenty) can anyone out there recommend any usefull sites that will make life easier with problems which will ocurr....?

PAGE SIZES.........Is it a better solution to develop the site in flash to maintain the screen sizes are contained within the same background, with no white edges...??
What page size should I use as a default...?

I apologise for the RANT, and all i can say is there'll be more to follow...!!!

thanx for your TIME::::::::::L3on
L2 Design Solutions

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