Do you charge for research/practical work?
I am extremely new to this, currently still working full time (working towards a change of career) but I have been offered some work as a freelancer. I have been asked to write pieces for a food wholesaler who wants to expand his business into members of the public buying smaller quantities from him. I am going to complete a number of tasks including reviewing/showcasing new producers as he signs them up, creating and posting recipes so that people can buy the exact ingredients as a box.
My question is about charging him for the work.
I am thinking I will charge a per word rate for the articles but I will also need to charge per hour for research time, meeting the producers, cooking and photography etc. I will be expected to travel for meetings etc so I may also need to charge travel expenditure too.
How much is reasonable?
Thanks in advance!
My question is about charging him for the work.
I am thinking I will charge a per word rate for the articles but I will also need to charge per hour for research time, meeting the producers, cooking and photography etc. I will be expected to travel for meetings etc so I may also need to charge travel expenditure too.
How much is reasonable?
Thanks in advance!
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Messages count : 207Likes count : 6Registration : 2 November 2006How long's a piece of string!? Second thought is that the client might be a bit miffed to get a per word rate AND a per hour rate even though they are for separate jobs; all smacks of being a tad messy, and pricey! This is why fixed-price projects are popular.
Regarding travel, that should be tax off-settable - assuming it's necessary to perform the work. Asking your client to pay those costs (t00!) really is going to test their patients (and their budget I bet), esp as you're a first-timer without a track record. If you want to put some quotes/estimates together though with a view to coming up with a price, try FreelanceUK's main site articles:
Good luck!
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