
Becoming a freelancer for a company you were previously PAYE for

Kerrie Buckingham

Kerrie Buckingham

Messages count : 1
Likes count : 0
Registration : 27 August 2019
Contact in PM

We are looking at the benefits/cons of relocating to France from the UK and would therefore be switching our status as PAYE staff to freelancers. I have seen the thread about registering with HMRC but still have a few questions I hope you can help!

1) Can you have a French address if you are a freelancer in the UK (for correspondence purpose) or would it need to go to a UK address
2) conversely can you have your business address in France or must it be in the UK?
3) Does anybody have experience of being a freelancer in the UK but living in France? I'm unsure of the process.

Thank you so much,


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