I have been using Fiverr in the past few weeks and months to try and achieve some extra money. I have had a few sales but nothing great, so I was just wondering how many people here use sites like Fiverr etc as a way of generating money and how successful you have been?
From my experience, I didn't like having the price for my work already determined, it felt like I was slaving away and trying to go above and beyond to be competitive just for $5, well $4 when they take theri 20% cut. As Fiverr is so saturated, my gigs quickly became lost.
Any thoughts or experiences you want to share with these sites?
I think it could be an interesting idea and worthwhile. The best way of finding success if discovering it yourself and where you went wrong. You can't teach someone in education how to be successful, it comes from experience and learning from your "mistakes".
If you don't mind, what changes did you actually make which made them feel they were able to trust you and therefore do business with you? Was it a rather significant change or little ones but ones which made a big difference?
I think its key that you really enjoy what you are doing and if you are doing it for that reason over making money, then the latter will come in time. It's true that if you have the quality, it will eventually fall into place.
If you are starting out, have you considered joining a site like Fiverr or similar and listing your services? I have used them previously and what I got for my money wasn't really up to par, but if you are good at what you do, people will leave you good feedback, you get experience completing jobs and you get a little bit of cash?
You can definitely do it though as a living, I don't see why not. Plenty of people do it, you do need a bit of luck, but you also need to be excellent at what you do. The more you do something, the better you get. And besided, if in a few years time you have really ploughed at it and have gotten good at graphic and design but the money isn't coming, you'll be a good position to get a full-time job doing design for a company if you can deliver. Those kind of industries where you can essentially teach yourself value experience just as much, if not more than an academic background. What is the point in having qualifications in graphic and design if someone who didn't study but taught themselves can produce better quality than you? The self-taught person will get hired!
Best of luck anyway! It takes a lot of hardwork, but if you love doing what you do, I believe you can make it work 🙂