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Registered since : 6 May 2008

Replies: 2
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Views: 1352

Posted reply 6 May 2008 19:39

Hi and thank you for the reply. I needed someone to confirm what I've been thinking about this myself and you're right - the 'nice to people' attitude won't take me far in this business. I'd better stop being grateful to people for giving me a shot at the project and get putting an invoice together.
Thanks again.
Replies: 2
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Views: 1352

Posted reply 6 May 2008 17:37

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and looking for a word of advice. I do some freelance web and graphic design and I was recently asked to come up with the layout idea for a website for a recruitment company that has currently their website refurbished by a marketing company.
I was asked, because:
1) The management weren't sure about the layout proposed to them by the (marketing) company's in-house designers and wanted to see some more approaches.
2) Somebody I know very well works for this company and suggested me to the manager...;)
At the same time another graphic designer was called to do the same job(sample drafts)
I created 4 different drafts which the management liked and decided to go with some of the ideas but merging it with ideas from he other designer and that to be done by the in-house designers from the marketing company.
Basically- supplying the rough idea was where my job ended.
I have just received an email from the management asking me to invoice them for my work.
I do not know how much of my initial ideas they've used in the final design yet. I would not mind not charging them at all for possible good future relations sake, that but I want to avoid falling(again) into situation where people start taking me for granted(I did spend good few hours doing it and to a rather tight deadline) cause it's a pain in the neck as you probably know yourselves.
Please, help me on this one with some good advice - should I, or shouldn't I charge anything and if yes, how much, roughly?
I really appreciate time spent reading this and your kind replies even more:)

Many thanks


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