working for TESCO, Debenhams, DKNY, Versace etc etc doesnt make a bloody difference! Not unless you can show what you've done for them, how you've improved them... otherwise its just wasted energy.
Maybe if you're going for a perm job you might raise eyebrows, maybe it might raise eyebrows whereever, but does that convince potential clients to put their hand in their pockets?
I always ask myself, why do the big companies hire the accountants - to look after their money, hire account managers - gto look after their clients, Marketing managers, to take care of their marketing - Designers? - none existent.
The truth of the matter is that most companies don't value design as part of their visual communication.
FACT The more businesses use design, the more successful their likely to be...
Put it this way, we're all designers, in one form or another.
We all have an opinion when it comes to design, and that certainly is a fact.
We all decorate our homes, we all get dressed, we all buy clothes and we all buy cars and jewellery.
This is the world we live in.
So why don't corporations value graphic design to drive them forward?
There's many reasons, but it's not a design issue, its our own issue.
Imagine we're in a market where our product isn't valued, recognised or often used?
First answer would be to raise awareness, let the people know the impact of their communication materials because, DESIGN MATTERS!
Would you let a Gardener perform a heart opperation? No? because you leave the professional's to do what they do.
Challenge the way you market yourself. Look at things from a different angle. Most designers sell their skill, their pedigree, their flair, but in the business commerce, who cares?
People want to know how design can make a difference, not how it can look aesthetically.
Sell them the idea, let them know you can sell their business in a way they can't.
We, as designers, need to challenge ourselves, before we can start making business
Freehand will be extinct in the not to distant future, so stick with Illustrator...
I've always used Indesign for page makeup, but either are we versed for that type of design. I know Indesign inside out and also taught how to use it.
ALso used Quark, which is quite easy to pick up.If you know what you want to do with your layout, then you can replicate that pretty easily, using each program.
In my honest opinion, i'de stay out of freelancing a little bit longer until you have more inhouse design experience, which is the usual way to do things.
Thats when you'll begin to understand the freelancing side and certainly the business side of things, before throwing the towell in.
Aswell as that, you're entering into a VERY competitive market and if you don't have the nessacary skills (business) then your a duck in water.
Thats just my opnion of course, which is always up for debate 🙂
If you do go for a website, please do something different.
All websites are looking the same, same layout, same structure, similair navigation, stock photography, blogs etc etc.
Be creative, think outside the box, have some mystic and use your own talents, your own style. Get people excited, make them want to see all your work then at the end think "wow this is cool, lets call them". And pages don't have to be loaded with loads and loads of text.
We're designers, creatives, visual communicaters... so why much text? Lets have our work do much of the talking. Designers are so paranoid these days, how people percieve them, if they'v got all info to the users.
I don't mean to offend anyone by my post, but thats just my honest opinion, people don't stand and read so much online these days. We live in a fast moving world, things are on demand, people are impatient. I never sit and read every page of a companies website before calling them, i actually barely ready emails these days instead i just call them.
Anyway, thats just food for thought - off to build a 10 page website...
Just wanted to comment on MickeyFinn's first post.
i really do disagree with you. As a graphic designer and a web designer, im easily able to keep the process streamlined and im under no illusion as to web/print.
Just like branding, identity, print and web, some of us will be experience. You have a devine right to educate whoever on the profession and how it works because if you don't, you're failing.
I'm forever educating clients on pre-press processes, why i need 300DPI images, what will happen when bindings creased different, whats CMYK process, pantones, paper weights. the list goes on, but thats my profession i choose to work in, so im obliged to educate my clients on all these things, if it's needed, and sometimes it can be a real benifit, one because my client enjoys the fact they know whats going and and two, your clients knows what you're talking about and when your client trusts you, you've truly succeeded.
So if you are a web designer, and print designers are sending you unusable files or out of shape documents, its your duty to call them, guide them and manage expectations.
There's no use slating the designers (and we've all done it) but ask yourself, did i explain everything in an easy format?
Either that, or don't work for them, pass on a referral because i would love to work with graphic/print designers who need assistance on the web.
Although, it does take quite a talent to do both web and print and a really good standard...
I charge a flat rate £12 per hour - Freelance rate.
I also use £12 for a guide on working on projects, note thats just a guide, as projects sometimes change...
Do not tailor your costs per client. You'll be guarenteed to loose your clients. If they know, and yes it is a small world, a very small world, you'll potentially loose alot of work and maybe get yourself a reputation and in some cases a friend (yes, clients can actually become your friends too!)
The guy thats been rambling on about all that (what you pay, gas dog food etc) take some notes but not all. I've never sat dow and worked all that out. Even if i did i'de probably charge myself £48 for it :o). Just think about your old 40hour per week job, what did you earn, you'de you get by?
Save some money for a rainy day too. Working cheap can harm you in the future. Value yourself
Cheap, Easily upgradable, cheap domains, multi-host lots of domains (that you manually map to a directory), lots of features (mailing lists, stats, online ftp)
Support (in india), Hands on ability (adding scripts, CGI, applications such as blog systems)
I think the most important one of all is the domain handling. I roughly have about 15 domains. All you have to do is point them towards a directory /designsite or /onlineshop and thats it
Post up your results. Be interested to see what you go for.
Just remember when signing up, it may be a 12 month thing. Can be quite frustrating a few months down the line when things change?...
Also try SupaNames. Linux hosting, Windows hosting - great hosts, probably the best in terms of value.
Evening all! this is my first post even though ive been using this great site for over a year.
I have a quick query regarding payment slips and the Council Housing Department.
I've moved back in with my recently divorced mother in a council house. I also run my own ltd company (design/freelance) which has always been the registered address.
The issue i have is producing proof of weekly/monthly payments?
Yes, i am the owner and the only individual running my business and no, i don't pay myself a regular salary.
I'm coming up the the end of my first year in business (May) and as a result i didn't have to submit my tax return (business started after financial year).
Anyway, my accountant has advised me not to give myself a weekly/monthly salary but instead he'll sort it out next year, which is fine.
The only thing now is the Birmingham Council want to see my proof of income to know which rent they should be charging me (i take it they work in brackets, like taxable money?).
So how do i prove my income?
Any advice would be gratfully recieved, as i have to march my backside to the place it all happens!