The 7 IT jobs accessible without knowing how to code

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IT jobs generally require advanced skills in programming, networking, algorithms, mathematics, etc. IT is considered as a sector that recruits technical and even scientific profiles. This is true for many positions such as developers or engineers. But did you know that it is also possible to work in IT without typing a single line of code? The digital sector is vast and multiple jobs are accessible without any programming knowledge. So if you want to join a growing sector, discover 7 IT jobs accessible without knowing how to code!

MOA IT project manager

The project management project manager (MOA, or also called AMOA for project management assistance) translates the requests and needs of a functional center or a client in the form of specifications. Concretely, he represents the client or the project leader with the technical teams. He must ensure compliance with the functional specifications (functional specs). For this, he ensures the management of the project from the definition of the objectives to the delivery. 

Its main missions are:

  • collect expectations from a client or a service (marketing, finance, HR, etc.);

  • draw up the functional specifications (detailed description of the solutions recommended to meet the need);

  • define the resources to be mobilized: budget and stakeholders in the project;

  • establish a provisional schedule with milestones (division into tasks and/or sprints);

  • monitor the progress of the project by ensuring the proper flow of information;

  • play the role of privileged interlocutor and intermediary for all stakeholders;

  • manage contingencies and identify functional solutions in the event of incidents.

The MOA IT project manager is a kind of conductor. This type of position requires solid soft skills, in particular team spirit, a great sense of organization and resistance to stress... Most MOAs come from higher education in computer science, but also in management, administration, and business. 

SEO web editor

The role of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) web editor is to optimize natural referencing and thus the visibility of his employer or client on search engines. He can also participate in the development of editorial planning and more generally in the digital communication strategy of a brand or company. 

Its main missions are:

  • carry out site audits and identify areas for optimization;

  • identify personas (target customers) and competitors;

  • search for the keywords to work on;

  • write optimized content;

  • follow the results of SEO actions (evolution of the number of clicks, positioning in search results, etc.)

The web editor may need to integrate these articles directly into a site or blog. Generally these editions are done through CMS (content management systems) which offer simple and intuitive interfaces. He can also submit his analyzes and content in a word processing software. Although this job is strongly linked to the web and digital, it therefore does not require any programming skills. Web editors generally have a background in journalism or communication.

Graphic designer

The graphic designer designs the visuals. He works in creation and design, but may also produce models for applications and websites. Indeed, the objective of the graphic designer is above all to create images and visuals that will transmit values ​​and a brand image. With the increasing digitization of societies, organizations are investing more and more in the construction of a digital identity that includes well-defined graphic codes.

The main tasks of the graphic designer are:

  • create the visuals (models, logos, graphic charters, etc.) for a website or an application;

  • use DTP (desktop publishing) software such as Illustrator or Photoshop;

  • participating in the development of a digital communication strategy.

The job of graphic designer is sometimes confused with that of web designer. The major difference is that the graphic designer will intervene upstream of the production. He will work more on the preparation part than on the integration and therefore does not need knowledge of programming, tools and web technologies. This profession is generally accessible from a bachelor in graphic design, communication or marketing. 

Also called a "marketing analyst", this professional gathers, analyzes and organizes data. Its objective: to implement effective digital marketing strategies, defined according to the target clientele and their needs.

The main missions of the market analyst are:

  • collect and analyze data and information related to sales (demographics, prices, purchase path, etc.);

  • prepare market research; 

  • assess consumer preferences and habits;

  • participate in the development of digital communication (type of medium used, distribution channels, etc.);

  • take part in marketing operations and the study of results (in particular the strategy to attract leads, prospects and customer loyalty)

  • monitor the competition.

The market analyst regularly uses traffic analysis tools and compiles statistics. These tools and supports have intuitive interfaces and pre-programmed functionalities. Even if they are constantly evolving in a digital and digital environment, market analysts do not need programming or IT knowledge. In general, this position is accessible from a bachelor in marketing. 

Content manager

The content manager is at the heart of the editorial strategy of a site and social networks. Thanks to his skills in the web and marketing, he actively participates in digital communication and the e-reputation of his employer.

Its main missions are:

  • manage the content of a site, publications on the networks and relationships with influencers;

  • lead communities;

  • define and monitor performance indicators (KPIs);

  • target the audience and the people;

  • create the editorial line and strategy;

  • use mailing and marketing automation tools;

  • participate in the development of content (visual elements, optimized texts, etc.).

The content manager regularly uses software solutions for traffic monitoring, customer relations, etc. But its core business remains communication. He may be required to collaborate with webmasters and developers, but does not need advanced technical skills. Content manager positions are accessible from bachelor in webmarketing.

Video game tester

The profession of video game tester is the dream of many students and IT professionals. But, beyond that, on the playful side, this profession requires great rigor and precise know-how.

Professional testers must analyze games and applications in depth in order to:

  • to check whether the deliverable corresponds to the specifications;

  • identify bugs and malfunctions;

  • to assess the difficulties and the progressiveness of the levels;

  • to test ergonomics, handling and readability;

  • observe game mechanics and interactions;

  • to propose corrections and checks.

The corrections and verifications are above all functional. Although programming skills can be a plus, they are not mandatory in this profession. The video game tester must first have an excellent sense of observation to report incidents and areas for improvement to the developers. These developers will be responsible for translating new functional issues into technical solutions.

Video game tester is even a profession that can be practiced without a diploma. But faced with competition in this sector, it is preferable to have a two-year university degree or specialized training in video games. A very good level of technical English is also required.

Traffic manager

The traffic manager is also a web and marketing expert. He specializes in traffic acquisition levers, in particular on SEA (paid referencing through advertising campaigns) and social media strategies.

Its main missions are:

  • study a site's traffic, audience profile and attendance information (demographics, channels and equipment used, etc.);

  • define commercial targets;

  • plan, develop, and animate advertisements;

  • monitor results (ROI or return on investment);

  • create reports to identify areas for optimization.

To accomplish these missions, he will also be required to use software solutions and office tools such as Excel. 

He can design statistics and data visualization models, but does not need advanced programming skills. To be a traffic manager, you must have at least a two-year university degree in the field of web marketing or communication.

Now you have several ways to practice an IT profession, even without knowing how to code!

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