
New to freelance and doing Free Work?



Messages count : 3
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Registration : 2 November 2015
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I’d like to introduce myself as James who is new to the site.

I’m a film maker who has several years of experience who’s worked alongside others in the past and has decided to go freelance after taking a few years off due to a family loss.

I am wondering if other freelance film makers would kindly give me some advice on starting out again.

Presently I have been advised by several independent bodies to do free work to build upon a film reel to represent my skills and to seek future paying clients. I’ve also at the same time been advised not to do free work as it damages your reputation and skills as people would expect another free job in the future.

I have tried several times to advertise free work such as show reels for actors, short films, advertisement videos for local businesses, music and wedding video’s however I’ve had no luck getting clients to do free material for.

I’ve also tried the £250 pound a day rate which would include the editing of a film to be edited into a 5min short but again I’m finding it difficult to locate clients.

Having asked around, and have had several different answers, the most have been that doing free work implies that you have no skills and also that charging £250 is under cutting myself.

So my question is, has anyone had to deal with this in the past, and if so how did you get clients at the start.

I am happy to do free work or cheap work in order to build up my website to show potential clients my work and to get paid for what I do.

Again I do have the skills but need to prove them online in order to get paid.

I really appreciate the advice given and wish you all luck with your own careers and future

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards


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