How are you maintaining a work / life balance
its summer and the weather is great! How are you balancing your workload & time in a beer garden or cooking on the bbq etc?
its summer and the weather is great! How are you balancing your workload & time in a beer garden or cooking on the bbq etc?
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Messages count : 120Likes count : 0Registration : 30 October 2006There is no work / life balance, it seems to just be constant work at the minute 😃 House is being torn down around me and then put back together, I am classing as work so don't seem to have much spare time at the minute. I tend to work when the work is there and stop only when ordered to by the Mrs!
What about you? What line of work are you in?
To be fair I have done a bit in the garden this year too. Nice that the weather has been so good, sneaky hour in the garden in the afternoon and then work like a dog in the evenings.
No beer for me though, find it buggers me up the next day - the joys of reaching my 40s I guess 🙁