
First time freelancer - any help appreciated :)



Messages count : 1
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Registration : 2 February 2007
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This is my first post, so hello to you all!

At the moment, I am a print designer, currently in-between jobs. I've never taken on a freelance role and have never had the desire too - it's the life for some, but not for others, and I'm one of the others, much preferring job security in a studio etc etc.

However, I've been given the opportunity to work for a month or so artworking a brochure at a friends workplace. This really is going to be a one off gig, and I'll be hoping to have full time employment set up by the end of the month or 5 weeks that this job takes to complete. So where does this leave me with regards to the taxman? Can I invoice the company and get paid without fear of retribution from the dark overlords of the tax office? Or do I have to register myself as being self employed or... Well... I just don't know where I stand.

Any help and advice would be much appreciated 🙂

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