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Registered since : 15 September 2015

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1901

Posted reply 15 September 2015 10:55

Interesting idea, I personally have a mental block with selling myself, and that is what any service provider has to do at the end of the day. And reading your post it seems that you may of had the same difficulty. I have been very fortunate, however 7 years down the line it is still difficult for people to understand what I do. ( I am a Virtual Assistant) I am also a proofreader and work with graphics a lot, so not a GVA (General Virtual Assistant). Which again sometimes causes problems when people ask "What can you do"? or "What do you do?". Trust is a major issue in my job as clients have to give me control to a certain degree, it depends on the work. It's never easy, so if you have found a way of helping others get through what you went through, I am 100% behind you!
Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1409

Posted reply 15 September 2015 10:17

Hi there,
I am in 2 minds about such sites, I joined Fiverr many years ago as a space filler and to relieve boredom when I was asked to do the same sort of work by numerous clients, but as you say IT IS Slave Labour.
However a friend of mine has had a great success with Fiverr, and has encouraged me to return, which I did a few weeks ago. I guess it depends on your personal views and what your specialised field is.I know deep down, I am going to leave again, as it just does not sit right with me, I am not comfortable with the site and what it stands for at all.

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