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Registered since : 28 February 2007

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1888

Posted reply 2 March 2007 13:08

Many thanks for the advice there.
I was discussing these very issues last night with a colleague.

I will be shutting the Ltd company down and looking at doing my homework on being self employed.

I will also be doing all my homework on exactly what I will be offering and where to target etc.

Many thanks

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
Like  : 0
Views: 1888

Posted reply 28 February 2007 09:26

Hi to you all,
I am sort of new to the freelance thing. What I mean by that is that I have been involved in graphics and 3D work now for some time, I am also a director of a Ltd company of my own.
The limited company was formed about two years ago and was a joint venture with a couple of friends. We did a couple of bits of work but nothing to write home about. I have now come to the conclusion that it is ME doing all the work whilst my partners hearts aren't really in it 🙁
The company has been dormant for a while and I am thinking of shutting it down.
I do work for a company and was hoping to get mine of the ground and then leave this job so that I could work for myself.
I wanted this more than anything but it never happened.

There is nothing that I want more than to work for myself and was thinking of starting from scratch on my own. I will still do my current job as it pays the bills.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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