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Marmoset Media

Messages count : 1

Registered since : 17 February 2007

Reply: 1
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Views: 2060

Posted reply 17 February 2007 13:18

Hi everybody

I am new to this site but I have an offer for the freelance graphic designers on here.

I run a small (and new) copywriting, print and design agency in London and looking ot build strategic alliances with graphic designers.

I believe my offer is win-win with no risk for either of us.

I have bought a Printing.com franchise to supplement the work the design team here do.

Their range is pretty decent and their prices are competitive.

Before having the franchise, we had to phone around for print quotes from all over the place, these would take ages to come back and sometimes the print quality wasn't really good enough.

My offer is this:
We would love to be your prefered supplier for print and in exchange we can offer you 15 percent off of the brochure price for any of our products.

This means you will have a built in profit of 15 percent (assuming you only charge normal Printing.com prices). Of course if you want to add more on top, that's up to you.

You will be able to quote your clients immediately for print
You might not have to look around for quotes from umpteen different printers
If our prices are not the best then, of course, you simply wont use us
Once a relationship has developed we might be able to offer a montly account
We get more printing to do

Erm... none

Get in touch if you think this can benefit you (or even if you think the offer needs amending).

All the best

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